Lightshow Microphone
Popular Songs
Ref. KH16/003
Product description
Become a superstar with this glowing Lightshow Microphone! Sing along to karaoke tunes! Show your talent in DJ mode, playing along to popular songs! The bright light creates an atmosphere of fun and celebration! Let's sing together!
Educational value

sensory abilities

musical abilities

fine motor skills
Product specification
Lightshow Microphone
Product Name:
Popular Songs
Reference number:
Toy Dimensions:
6.7*17*6.7 cm
Package Dimensions:
14*25.5*8.3 cm
2+ years
Product information
22 funny sounds and melodies
5 popular songs
Karaoke and DJ modes
Colourful lights!
Sing and make your own music!
5 popular songs
Karaoke and DJ modes
Colourful lights!
Sing and make your own music!
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