Toy Fair: results & impressions

Dear friends and partners!
We are so excited to share our impressions about Toy Fair that took place in New York on 30 September - 3 October 2023, and present some interesting facts about our company.
But, first things first, we were very happy to present our products to lots of people involved in the toy industry.
Fact 1: We made a bet within the team on which of our toys were going to become the most popular among Toy Fair visitors. But the trade show couldn’t help us reveal the absolute winner! To our astonishment, preferences varied and leaders changed from guest to guest. Many of us thought that our Edu toys (which already speak different languages - but let’s discuss this information in Fact 2) would still hold the lead, however, we were surprised by the number of people expressing interest in our new dolls - the 11-inch Be Fashion Academy Dolls and our new line of 18-inch Beauty Star Dolls. Our wooden toys were among the Fair favourites with the visitors as well, and this preference was expressed not only by those who support eco products, but also by those who like the design and characters of our wooden toys.
Next up, we were very pleased to meet our current and future partners.
During the fair we met and talked to representatives of companies from the USA, Canada, Latin America, and others. We were greatly surprised by the number of international visitors from outside the Americas, such as Middle East, Africa, Asia and Oceania. And it was our absolute success to receive orders right at the trade show! And, of course, Toy Fair gave us a chance to discuss and outline our immediate prospects for 2024.
Fact 2: Taking part in such fairs, we feel (and realize) the need for multilingualism, i.e. we are working towards our goal of educating and developing children through play all over the world.
Did you know that our toys already speak many languages? They speak:
• English
• Spanish
• Greek
• Polish
• Ukrainian
• Serbian
Guess, which language will be the next?
In the third place, we found great inspiration to broaden our horizons and move on!
Fact 3: What is more, we walked around Manhattan, had some coffee in Central Park and took a cruise to the Statue of Liberty.
Also, we met with our colleagues, who live in the United States. (As we’ve mentioned, Kids Hits team are not location-bound, and we can work from any part of the world).
And there is one more fact to share with those, who have read this article till the end: we already know where we are going to exhibit out toys next. Can you guess what toy fair it is?